Today, I am going to share some simple steps to integrate GCSE to your own Search Box! For more details about GCSE and its advantages, you can visit my post : Adding Google Custom Search Engine to Blogger
Step 1 : Creating Your Google Custom Search Engine
Go to Google Custom Search Engine
Sign in your Google account » Click on New Search Engine » Fill up the form » Click on Create
Once you've successfully created your Custom search engine you can finally add it to your site by clicking on Get code
Next, copy the code and proceed to Step #2
Step 2 : Adding the Code to your Blog
Create a page in your blogger and name it as "Search" or something similar (?)
In HTML tab paste the code you just copied from Google Search
*The code should look like this
(function() {
var gcse = document.createElement('script');
gcse.type = 'text/javascript';
gcse.async = true;
gcse.src = (document.location.protocol == 'https:' ? 'https:' : 'https:') +
'//' + cx;
var s = document.getElementsByTagName('script')[0];
s.parentNode.insertBefore(gcse, s);
Replace <gcse:search></gcse:search> with <gcse:searchresults-only></gcse:searchresults-only>
Go to your Blogger Template » Press Edit HTML; then
Try to look for your Search Box code which might look similar to this
<div id='search-box'>
<form action='/search' id='search-form' method='get' target='_top'>
<input id='search-text' name='q' placeholder='Search' type='text'/>
<button id='search-button' type='submit'><span>Search</span></button>
Replace /search with the URL of the page you have created e.g. /p/search.html; then
Save your Template
If you successfully managed to integrate it to your site, you will notice that every time you try to search you will be redirected to the Search Page you've created.
I hope you enjoy this article. Please leave a comment! Don't hesitate to ask for help if you're facing any problem integrating GCSE! Happy Blogging.
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