Backlinks Violating Google's Guidelines (Autobacklinks Pros & Cons)

My blog reader asked me to write a post about auto backlinks building and its cons and pros so I decided to tell you about auto backlinks building and other backlinks that violate Google's guidelines for webmasters so you can avoid these backlinks generating methods and save your blog from Google penalties.

Before telling you about types of backlinks that violate Google's guidelines, let me tell you first what is autobacklinking. Auto backlinking is a way to get free backlinks without working hard, though it is easy way and works for sometime but if you get penalized then all your work go in vain.

There are many software that do it all you need is to put your link and make backlinks, some online tools are also available for this work. But I don't recommend it because these backlinks are not from sites which are similar to your site topic and these backlinks doesn't have value. Also there is a high risk of penalty.

So auto backlink generating methods are not successful and you should avoid them, here are some more backlink generating methods that should also be avoided. I recommend you to create backlinks on big websites that allow "dofollow" backlinks like Pinterest. Here is a list of dofollow backlinks websites and directories List Of "Dofollow" Websites And Directories.

To check if you are penalized by Google, check your blog or site stats from the day you started creating backlinks and if you have a decreased organic traffic(traffic from search engines) it means your site is penalized. Other ways to check is to search your indexed URL's on Google by using this link if you can see your site indexed then it means your site is not penalized and you are still on Google.

Still other ways to find if you are penalized you can search for online tools.

Types Of backlinks That Violate Google Webmaster Guidelines:

1. Paid Backlinks:


Ofcourse if you are buying backlinks to improve your search rank you are doing black hat seo and its against Google's guidelines. So avoid it.

2. Backlinks Exchange:


Some people exchange backlinks to help each other improve site rank and it works fine unless they start link exchanging with more and more sites and when they do it, their improved rank is noticed by Google and Google Penalize them because it is a black hat seo technique to improve rank, also most of the link exchangers do not have good engaging content so penalty becomes must as it is proved that without having good content how can a site get so many backlinks.

3. Irrelevant Backlinks:


Irrelevant backlinks are those links which are from sites which are not similar to your site for example if you have a blog about PC games or fashion and you have backlinks from sports or movie blog then these backlinks are considered to be irrelevant and it happens when you are using auto backlinks generator or you are exchanging links.

4. Links From Sites with broken links:


If you have backlinks from sites or blogs which have many broken links then these are bad for seo. Broken links are not even good for that site then how can these sites improve your rank which have so many broken links ?

5. Automatically Generated backlinks:


If you search on Google or on Fiverr or any other freelancing site or even on Facebook groups you will find guys which offers you to buy their package and get 10K to 15K backlinks for just $5 or less or more but never accept such offers. It sounds so good to have 10K or 15K backlinks overnight but it will penalize your site within days or weeks so all your work will be wasted. All these backlinks are generated by bots and software and are usually on blanks pages or high ranked website or in forums or in comments. Avoid Automatically generated backlinks if you don't want your website to be penalized.

6. Backlinks From Other Language Websites:


It does not have a major role because my blog(101Helper) also have backlinks from websites with other languages e.g Hindi, Russian, Spanish etc but all these websites are similar to my blog so it is not considered a bad seo technique but if you have backlinks from websites with other languages and also it is irrelevant then its not good and you can get penalized.

7. Generating Backlinks With Coding:


If you are generating your blog or site link on other websites by using CSS or Javascript or other programming language and hiding them then its against Google's guidelines, If your links comes with plugins and is for copyright reason then its fine but if you are hiding them and the person doesn't know that certain code is making links on his site then it will become the reason for your site to get penalized. So avoid it!

8. Backlinks From Sites With Duplicate Content:


If you have backlinks on websites with same and duplicate content then it will affect your rank and you can get penalized so avoid this backlink technique.

9. Low Quality Guest Posting/Blogging:


Ofcourse guest blogging is best way to get quality backlinks and this technique will never die but low quality guest posting which is just to get backlinks is not good for seo.

There are many other ways to get backlinks but all these are black hat seo techniques which should be avoided otherwise your website will be destroyed.

How To know If My Blog Is Penalized By Google ?

If you see a major drop in organic traffic from Google then its a symptom that you are penalized by Google and to confirm it you can use online Google penalty checker and also you can check it manually by searching your site on Google using this link: other way to confirm it is to look at your site index stats in Google webmaster tools.

How To Recover If My Blog Is Penalized By Google ?

Well, if you are penalized by Google for certain activities, I recommend you to reverse everything you did. Its like undoing all the bad seo activities. If you have generated low quality backlinks or if you have used a software for autobacklinking then use online backlinks remover or manually remove it.

In my opinion best way to get quality and safe backlinks is quality guest blogging and commenting manually on forums and blog and dofollow social networks like Pinterest, Linkedin etc.

After reading this post you should get idea how to avoid Google's penalty and get quality backlinks. If you found this post helpful, share it and if you have any suggestion leave a comment below.

Thanks for visiting 101Helper.

Search Keywords: Backlinks Violating Google's Guidelines, autobacklink software,get quality backlinks,google penalty bad backlinks, how to avoid google penalty,types of backlinks against google guidelines,backlinks in seo, google backlinks generator,how to get google backlinks,google backlinks tool

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