Tips To Get Sitelinks In Google Search Results - Blogger

Sitelinks are some links that are showing below site in search engines. Its not just in Google search results but in Bing, Yahoo and also in Yandex. There is no idea how to get sitelinks, even Google says that sitelinks are automatically generated links to help visitors reach important pages of your site. Also you have no control over which page you want in sitelinks and also there is no code which can do it. You might be thinking that if nothing is known about sitelinks, how am I going to get it for my site ? Well, the answer is simple you will get it as I got them !

What Are Google Search Result Sitelinks:


Above is the sceenshot of sitelinks of my blog. If you search "101helper" oon Google you will see the sitelinks live. These are featured links from my blog and are shown to visitors to help them reach deeper pages or help them to reach the content of interest on a site.

Note that sitelinks never remain the same they change time to time and we have no control over it. Google allowed webmasters to remove certain links from sitelinks but now this feature is gone from webmaster tools so you can't remove URLs from sitelinks even if these are not of visitor's interest.

Though, you can control it indirectly by blocking these pages from index using meta tag or robot.txt.

Why Sitelinks Are Important ?

1. Sitelinks Increase CTR(Click through rate):

If you search a site and it doesn't have sitelinks, you will just click on the main site URL because you have no other option but if you search a site and it has sitelinks, you may like to click on something from the sitelinks which will grab your interest. So it increases your pageviews plus CTR.

If your site doesn't have sitelinks yet then before using tips below go to your webmaster tools and click on search analytics, take a sceenshot and compare it later with your click-through-rate. You will see an increase in CTR and also traffic.

2. Sitelinks Increase Visitors Trust:

Sitelinks makes a site look professional and increases visitors trust in your site which results in more bookmarks and more visiting because they trust your site.

3. Sitelinks Shows Your Rank:

Sitelinks are shown only below these sites which have a good rank. Rank is improved when you have good content, good traffic and your site is more social. So your fans will see that your site has a good rank so it improves your reputation.

4. Sitelinks Shows Featured Content From Your Site:

If you have sitelinks below your site it may show featured links like link to best post of your site or links to certain category where your visitor can read many posts with same label so it is good for your site because visitors can visit these links directly before visiting your main site so it will increase your traffic.

Google Search Sitelinks Mobile And Desktop Site:

As we know that Google is working on mobile sites and improving user experience on mobile because people use smartphones more than computers to visit sites so Google is working more on mobile site rather than desktop. Google has enabled carousel schema for mobile sites and shows many websites(news sites mostly) posts in carousel which shows how importance mobile site experience is.

So if your blog has a separate template for desktop and separate template for mobile then you have to optimize both of them to show sitelinks in mobile and desktop.

Here is a sceenshot of how sitelinks appear in mobile devices.


How To Get Sitelinks In Google Search Results?

Here are some tips to get sitelinks below your site in search engines.

1. Make Content:

I got sitelinks below my site first time when my posts were above 50 and appeared only when I searched "101helper" on not on or so it means that sitelinks may take more posts to appear on country specific Google.

2. Submit Site To Webmaster Tools:

Its the 2nd most important thing to do after making content, every single post you publish should be on Google. How To Add Blogger Sitemap To Google Webmaster Tools

Its best to submit your blog to all search engines i.e bing and yandex also.


3. Markup Your Site Navigation:

Your blog menu or navigation should be markedup with schema, it means alot because after marking up site navigation with schema you are actually telling search engines that certain part of your site is navigation and later the menu items start appearing as sitelinks. How To Markup Site Navigation In Blogger For Seo

4. Customize Your Blog's Robots.txt:

Make sure that the robots.txt you are using is not blocking pages from crawling or not disturbing index status in any way. You can see your blog's robot.txt by visiting If you can see that these is no blocking then it good. Many bloggers disallow static pages(contact page, about page and sitemap page etc) in robots text which results in disappearance of these pages in search results. So if you have done this then even if you makeup your menu or navigation and your menu items include sitemap page, contact page etc, you will never see these pages in sitelinks and also it may take some more posts for sitelinks to appear because more content means sitelinks. If you have disallowed pages from appearing then only posts will appear as sitelinks.

Useful Post: How To Use Robots Text For Better Seo In Blogger

5. Be More Social:

Share your posts and blog URLs as many time as you can, join facebook groups, Google groups and other sites where you can get your URLs shared, it will not only bring you some social traffic and followers but also it will improve your sites social impact and improve your search rank.

6. Choose A Unique Short Name For Blog :

By choosing a short and unique name for your blog, your visitors don't only remember your site but also use it in search and when there are more searches, you start getting sitelinks and popularity. Like for example my blog's name is 101Helper, Do your remember it easily ? if you do then you will surely search it on Google and you will see that my blog has sitelinks and I get many visitors daily which use "101Helper" as keyword to reach my blog.

7. Interlink Your Content:

Make a habit to interlink your older content with newer, show useful links of other posts in your new posts. It will increase your pageviews also because interlinking is good for multiplying traffic.

I hope you found this post helpful, if not please let me know by leaving a comment below. Share it if you found it helpful. Thanks for visiting 101Helper.

Search keywords: How to Get Google Sitelinks on Your Blog, google search sitelinks guide for blogger,show sitelinks in google,bing,yahoo,blogspot search engine and seo guide,benefits of sitelinks,how to get sitelinks quickly tips

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