Blogger Post editor Mobile updated interface -Rexblog

Previous Update.

Blogger is improving its mobile site day by day. In its last update Blogger added a button to switch to new Blogger interface, where you were able to see a new interface but it was not complete. It just introduced the theme code editor which you were not previously allowed to edit in mobile site. Also it introduced a newBnew improved stats page which was mobile compatible i.e size and all the things adjusted for mobile.

Latest Update.

In the new update blogger has introduced a mobile site friendly post composer and HTML editor. So now you are able to write your blog post from your smartphone. I am also writing this post from my phone. Here is a screenshot i just took to show you how it looks like. Discussion continues below.


So this is what it looks like.

Talking about tools, no new tools are added, everything is same as desktop site but are adjusted for phone screen.

Why Updated Interface?

The reason is simple, Blogger is preparing for new Era which is era of smartphones in which people are sticking to smartphones. Google already predicted that most of users will sooner start using smartphones to visit sites and read blogs and write blogs so it is preparing for it. So is the Amp project for. This gives you an induction to make a good Mobile site to engage maximum audience.

Similarly Google webmaster tools now indexes mobile pages first and desktop pages later. So this is a good indicator to make your mobile site fully ready.

What Should Blogger Add In Future Update?

As an old blogger I know what can improve blogger more. Blogger should consider following thing in its future updates.

1. A push notifications root manifest file and JavaScript. All the control should be given to bloggers so that bloggers can be able to use https push notifications just like WordPress or any other site.

2. Blogger should add widgets which insert ads insite posts.

3. There should be built-in related posts widget.

4. Blogger should have plugins for Seo like WordPress because many people don't understand Seo.

5. Blogger should allow changing posts links look, long URL's should not be made a compulsory option.

There are alot more improvements blogger should consider. But most important of them are above mentioned 5 things.

What do you think blogger should improve? Please leave your suggestion below. Thanks for visiting 101Helper.

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