Post split trick to increase page-views / traffic -Rexblog

Getting traffic from search engines is really a headache so a smart blogger has to think smart and make the visitors to visit more posts. What can be done to make visitor read more posts? Right adding a related post widget or showing links to older posts. But what if they don't visit more posts and you have low page views? well it happens and to deal with it I have trick. I would not take credit for discovery of this trick because I saw a website doing this and so I thought to share it with you. Its not a small website or blog but a big website and by this trick you make your visitors visit one post twice, thrice or even 5 times, depending on your post length.

The best thing about this trick and benefits of this trick are that if you are a Adsense publisher you don't violate its policy, secondly you reduce your bounce rate because you have a visitor that visits many pages on your site, although actually he is visiting same site post 2 or 3 times and this improves your Alexa rank too.

What's The Trick?

Good question. The trick is that if you have long posts on your blog with suppose 15 headings and the visitor in scrolling and scrolling to read but giving you only 1 page view because post is loaded only once. Why don't you split the post into 3 parts with 5 headings and paragraphs on each page but post is one and this is the trick.

How Many Views Can Be Generated From This Trick?

Again good question. The answer is, suppose you have a post and its very long say that it has 15 headings and you break it into 3 parts with each having 5 headings and paragraphs. Then you generate 3 views from a post instead of 1 so if you break 5 posts into 3 parts you have 15 views from 5 posts and so on. Its not a rule of 3, it just depends on length of the post. If you have even more lengthy posts say 25 headings then 5 parts so 5 views.

So its a very smart trick and the ads loads too so math rules apply here again, if a post previously generated 5 ad impressions now they will increase to 25 or even more depending on parts of post

Will I Loose My Current Traffic Or Adsense?

Absolutely not, Adsense haven't mentioned about this thing anywhere in its policy so you will not violate any policy and loose Adsense. The other question is will I loose my current traffic? again absolutely not. With this trick you even have more traffic your post get even more traffic. How? because at the end of every part you have a big button saying some interesting words like "Continue to the second part of post" Or you can even say "Continue to next heading(name of heading)". You can say whatever you want and this will make your visitor wanting to read more and more to complete the post so you ultimately make him give you views even if he is not wanting to but he has to complete the post.

Wrong Use(Backfire)

Never use this trick wrongly. It will cost you loosing traffic instead of gaining. What are wrong uses of this trick?

1. Breaking a post into 10 or 20 parts and each page have only 1 heading and a big paragraph. Its a wrong thing visitor will not like this and just go away.

2. Breaking every post into parts even if not needed. Its wrong, you can make many posts into parts but if your all posts are really wrong this will not make your content boring for your visitor.

3. No previous part button is also a wrong practice of this trick because visitor many be wanting to go back and read something. And the previous part of post button should always and always lie at the start of the next part.

4. Speed up your blog or site before practicing this trick because if every next part is going to load slow, visitor will go away.

How To Get Started With This Trick?

Well its easy. So far I have discovered two ways to get started with this trick and this depends on you which you choose.

Method 1

This is manual method in which you write a lengthy post and break it into 3 or 4 parts and post them individually with same title but in last put this suffix, Part 1 or Part 2 or Part 3. Like mentioned below:

Increase Page Views With This Smart Trick - Part 1

Increase Page Views With This Smart Trick : Part 2

Increase Page Views With This Smart Trick | Part 3

But if you are using this method Google will also index 3 different posts. So its not a problem you can do this but make sure that each of your post part have a next and previous button of that post's parts. So that the visitor never gets confused or miss any part.

Method 2

In this method you have a script which i will be sharing in upcoming part of this post. That script will do the work although you have to use that script for every post manually because every post has a different length and parts but that script will simply open next part in a new tab and in that tab only second part of the post will be shown which you will have set and the other part will be kept hidden with a previous part of post link.

I like and prefer 2nd method because there are less parts of posts and no confusion because post is same but its different parts are shown while in method 1 post parts are different with different links different titles.

But if you want easy method its method 1.

So lets get started.

Method 1 - Breaking Post Manually.

Step 1: Go to your blog and write parts of posts.

Step 2: Publish each part, you have the choice here. If you want to publish all parts together of after some days. Its your choice but if you have delay in your next parts tell your visitors in the end of post so they may not get confused.

Step 3: Use an online buttons generator and make big enough buttons so that visitor see it.

Step 4: Put next part of post button in the end of post and previous part in the beginning of the post. Make sure to use interest grabbing words.

Step 5: Get your button codes and go to your post's HTML editor and past it there to show buttons. As shown in below image.

Step 6: Publish your post and you are done.

Make sure to always have a previous and next part of post buttons in every part.

Method 2 - Using Javascript.

In this method javascript will not actually break post for you. But it will hide parts in different parts for example a post have 3 parts now the script will hide certain part based on what's in the link of the post. If your post link contains #part-2 in the end then your post will show only part 2 of post and keep part 1 and part 3 hidden.

So that's how it works. It is basically a modified manual method.

Step 1: Go to the post in which you want to create parts.

Step 2: In the start of the post put this <div id="part-1">

Step 3: Now put </div> where you want the part 1 to end and just after this div put <div id="part-2"> and close this div where you want the part 2 to end and so on. Put same div with 3 in it for part 3.

Note: In blogger it is hard to put these divs and sometimes they are either left un closed or some other div close with some unwanted div, so I will recommend to use notepad++ for divs to make it easy.

Step 4: As here we are using anchor text method i.e jumping to certain div by clicking on a link so you don't need to use online button generator to get button code, but we can re-style the button with CSS so I have given CSS and Javascript code in step 5.

Use below piece of code as your button.

<a href="#part-2" id="part-trigger " target="_blank">Continue To Next Part</a>

<a href="#part-3" id="part-trigger " target="_blank">Continue To Next Part</a>

<a href="#part-4" id="part-trigger " target="_blank">Continue To Next Part</a>

Step 5: After putting divs use the following JavaScript and CSS code.

For 2 Parts Post

#part-trigger {
    background: #ff5e00;
    color: #fff;
    padding: 7px 10px;
    border-radius: 3px;
    font-size: 20px;
<script type="text/javascript">
if (window.location.href.indexOf("part-2") != -1) {
if (window.location.href.indexOf("part-1") != -1) {

Here CSS is just to re-style your button and Javascript is actually doing the job. So Javascript works like this, If URL contains #part-2 in the end, keep the part 1 hidden and show part 2 only.

For 3 Parts Post

#part-trigger {
    background: #ff5e00;
    color: #fff;
    padding: 7px 10px;
    border-radius: 3px;
    font-size: 20px;
<script type="text/javascript">
if (window.location.href.indexOf("part-2") != -1) {
if (window.location.href.indexOf("part-3") != -1) {
if (window.location.href.indexOf("part-1") != -1) {

Here CSS is again just to re-style your button and Javascript is actually doing the job. So Javascript works like this, If URL contains #part-3 in the end, keep the part 1 and part 2 hidden and only show part 3. Similarly if URL has #part-2 in the end then it will just show part 2 and keep part 1 and 3 hidden.

For more parts make changes according in javascript code.

Step 6: Now publish your post and don't switch back to Compose tab of post editor otherwise all anchor links will start redirecting to your blogger dashboard because blogger automatically insert dashboard link.

Step 7: Now publish your post and you are done.


To avoid any confusion I am explaining all the post here.

1. First thing is link to another part of post. Link attribute is given in Step 4 above. It will open in new tab and scroll to that part automatically.

2. Step 5 has Javascript and CSS. CSS is just to re-style the link. You can change its color and everything. While Javascript is to keep hidden other parts when they are not called by URL.

Here is how your code should look like when you are done.

<div id="part-1">
What is Lorem Ipsum?

Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry. Lorem Ipsum has been the industry's standard dummy text ever since the 1500s, when an unknown printer took a galley of type and scrambled it to make a type specimen book. It has survived not only five centuries, but also the leap into electronic typesetting, remaining essentially unchanged. It was popularised in the 1960s with the release of Letraset sheets containing Lorem Ipsum passages, and more recently with desktop publishing software like Aldus PageMaker including versions of Lorem Ipsum.
<a href="#part-2" id="part-trigger " target="_blank">Continue To Part 2</a>

<div id="part-2">
Why do we use it?

It is a long established fact that a reader will be distracted by the readable content of a page when looking at its layout. The point of using Lorem Ipsum is that it has a more-or-less normal distribution of letters, as opposed to using 'Content here, content here', making it look like readable English. Many desktop publishing packages and web page editors now use Lorem Ipsum as their default model text, and a search for 'lorem ipsum' will uncover many web sites still in their infancy. Various versions have evolved over the years, sometimes by accident, sometimes on purpose (injected humour and the like).
<a href="#part-3" id="part-trigger " target="_blank">Continue To Part 3</a>
#part-trigger {
    background: #ff5e00;
    color: #fff;
    padding: 7px 10px;
    border-radius: 3px;
    font-size: 20px;
if (window.location.href.indexOf("part-2") != -1) {
if (window.location.href.indexOf("part-3") != -1) {
if (window.location.href.indexOf("part-1") != -1) {

I hope you liked this post. If you have any problem please leave a comment or contact us.

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