How to enter Multiple sitemaps in robots txt -Rexblog

Entering sitemap in robots.txt is easy but including multiple sitemaps for a single site or blog in a single robots.txt seems difficult but its also easy. But before we continue to how can we include multiple sitemaps in a single robots.txt file its important to know that its good for search engines and some big sites do it too.

Is It Right To Have Multiple Sitemaps In Robots.txt?

Of course its right. Big sites like Google, Moz and many others do it. In case of WordPress its also right and so is for blogger blogs. In wordpress there are separate sitemaps for pages, posts and comments. Similarly in blogger you can have multiple sitemaps in your robots.txt as well as Webmaster tools.

Impact Of Multiple Sitemaps On Seo.

There is a positive impact of including multiple sitemaps in robots.txt and webmaster tools for sure because that way you can index your new posts, updated posts and gain more organic traffic.

What Sitemaps Can I Include For Blogger?

For blogger the usual sitemap used is below

but you can also use a sitemap that shows recently updated posts and in this way you get your new posts indexed faster because search engines know that updated posts are here.

So here is sitemap for updated posts.

Now in below steps I will show you how to do this in blogger but its similar in wordpress or any other site because robots.txt is same for every site and blog. What is important here is to learn the pattern of sitemaps.

How To Include Multiple Sitemaps In Robots.txt In Blogger?

1.  Go to blogger dashboard > settings > search preferences.


2. Find Crawling & Indexing.


3. Edit your existing robots.txt if it is already enabled and if not then enable it and  then edit it.

4. Include all the sitemaps you want to include in a per line manner, one after other as shown below.

User-agent: *
Allow: /


5. Save and you are done.


You don't have to copy and replace robots.txt mentioned in step 4 above because its specific for 101Helper as it has more than 150 posts so page 1 has 150 posta and remaining are on page 2 of sitemap. Last sitemap is the one which has updated and new post links.

use "robots.txt" in your blog or site URL to see live robots.txt e.g:

Finally you will see your robots.txt as shown below, where every sitemap is included one by one in a separate row without any coma or slashes.

How to enter Multiple sitemaps in robots txt

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