Whether it's to send your workload along to someon else while you're on vacation or to ensure you get your emails while on the move, it's easy to automatically forward emails in Gmail to another email address.
The forwarding address doesn't need to be a Gmail email account, and you can also turn the function on or off any time.
Here's how to enable or disable it.
How to automatically forward emails in Gmail
1. Log into your Gmail account on your Mac or PC.
2. Click on the gear icon near the top right, then select "Settings."
3. On the next page, click on the tab that says "Forwarding and POP/MAP."
4. Click the box with the words "Add a forwarding address."
5. Enter the email to which emails will be forwarded into the bar that pops up, then hit "Next," then "Proceed" in the next popup.
6. You will now be informed that a confirmation request has been sent to the other email account; log into that email account and open the Google email, get the confirmation code, and enter it into the box indicated
7. Click "Save changes."
To turn email forwarding back off, just click "Disable forwarding" on the same page where you set it up
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